Is not more dificult... you make a swing and you cant make another because its delayed. I get hit because of that every time, because i am really used to the old gameplay.I appear to be the only player who found a massive jump in difficulty (practice arena man with the club actually hits me hard sometimes).
I am finding the AI get hits on me out of nowhere from an emergency parry to a one-inch-punch style whack or slice, they seem more okay to attack into an attack so we get trades of severe injuries (just like some people in HEMA tournaments do), plus more of the parries I perform get struck through.
I also noticed that whether I attack using one or defend against one, thrusts almost always hit someone who doesn't have a shield. I tried this theory in the Novice practice arena and basically always hit anything that wasn't dodged until I myself got stabbed to death by the man with the shiny longsword!