Things I would like to see:-
- Gore, broken limbs, blood etc. (already mentioned, seconded)
- More variety of weapons (like the flail, as seen on some of the enemies in released videos, bows, crossbows, double bladed swords, axes, staffs (magic or otherwise) etc.
- A character leveling system
- Bigger variety of monsters/enemies
- Armor customization
All in all, extremely excited for the May 2014 release. Good job guys!
I'd love for staffs to be in the game. Magic ones are okay..I guess..But I definitely want combat focused staffs. They're very useful because of their range over short swords for example. Not to mention traveling.
Also I'd like to direct you to the about section of this forum.
It has a loooot of information. Look at the 'skills' section to get a better look at the character leveing system and stuff.