Weird errors: Character/parts of character do not load


These series of errors started in the Arena, after switching out a piece of gear (pants) from my main character to sell. This is quite different from the one Avramovic posted earlier about the disappearing pants. In this case, parts of the character would actually disappear: legs, arms, etc. and sometimes the character itself would not load!

If anyone cares to recreate the error, it involved swapping out some pants from the 'Other items' window at the bottom left of the 'Manage' screen to the 'Inventory' window, then getting some new pants from the 'Arsenal' window. The action of taking the pants off the character caused half a second or so of lag. Once I exited out of that window, all hell broke loose.

edit: I forgot to mention that I had also alt-tabbed out of the game for quite a bit (about 2 hours) and came back to do the stuff above.

I got these errors all at once:

Unknown application error.

Character assembly
Error skinning item model.

Character Factory
Error generating character: Limb
<-- character name
Material error
Error compiling material: harhps1

Material error
Error compiling material: _HumanHair

Material error
Error compiling material: wodtrcha01

Material error
Error compiling material: _fireprt02

Closed all the dialog boxes and found that the character's gone and I could not move or rotate the camera.


I exited the Arena, but kept the game open. I reentered.

wailingghost (1).jpg

This time, no feet! I closed all the dialog boxes and tried fighting; did pretty good without legs. No screens of that, sorry!

But when I exited the match, I got this:

wailingghost (2).jpg

Holy... a torch-wielding wraith! It's quite terrifying seeing it glide around, especially at full speed, with its hair and the torch flame streaming behind. I could feel its vengeful aura howling and whipping at my soul.


So I exited (and this is still the 2nd launch after the 1st incident) and tried loading my campaign character. Got all the same errors as before but this time, it's just a black screen. Everything was completely frozen and I could not close the dialogs. I had to Alt+F4 out of the game. After the 3rd launch everything was fine, no errors or hiccups. Will update if it changes.
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Try covering all bare skin with clothing and perhaps put a paper sack over your head if you want to fit in with society again...


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