Wild Staff Animations

I have been looking around on the forum and haven't found any threads regarding advanced staff animations, so forgive me if this has already been discussed. I was just wondering if anyone has experienced some crazy animations using a quarterstaff or iron bar. Specifically things where your character spins the staff over his head and then swings from top right across his body to the low left, or some other variation that is more complex than a simple left to right or vice versa. I usually stumble upon these animations while clicking wildly, but I do notice a certain trend. Typically when I start a swing with the cursor on the left side of my body, then move it counter clockwise 270 degrees, my character usually does what I described or something like it. These swings have a tremendous amount of momentum associated with them, and though I have yet to actually land one (I even fell over once after I completely whiffed my opponent just due to the momentum and twisting of my body), I feel like if they were to be mastered, they could cause some serious crushing damage. I know my description of the animations isn't great, so I will try to find a relevant video on Youtube of actual staff technique to post here. Please let me know if anyone has experimented with these animations and if they can shed some more light on the implementation of them.


Can't say I know anything about animation or how it works, but I think I know what you're talking about. Is it not simply the way the character needs to move it's arms in order for them not to tangle when switching the direction? I have seen AI perform this maneuever against me and against other AI. I think it's... not so much planned, but a natural, physical thing?

I've witnessed this behaviour with quarterstaffs and I think with the hook weapon. Have not seen this on heavier polearm types, nor with the iron bar (iron bar works just like a 2H sword?)


Yes, the quarterstaff especially is capable of some crazy moves. It has a somewhat different animation/move set than other two-handed weapons.


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