Elric von Rabenfels

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  • Something I'm wondering about from your shield videos - if you're Elric Schildbrecher the 2nd, who was the first? Is full-contact combat in the family?
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    Reactions: Elric von Rabenfels
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Elric von Rabenfels
    It's only a video description - It's the 2nd take. :p
    Dangit, I was hoping for a super cool backstory.
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Hah, I have enough of a backstory for my name. Well, I wouldn't call it backstory, more along the lines of reasoning, reasons for why I chose the name.

    I did break a few shields during my "career" though.
    Nice new picture!
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Why thank you.

    Burgundy is quite literally my colour.
    And gold/brass simply goes best with that.

    Blackened steel and red is also a spectacular combination, but that's reserved for my weapons!

    I just desperately need new gauntlets. And my fucking sallet. Been waiting two years now.
    You look slick as fuck.
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Hah, thanks.

    As I said, the armour set isn't completely historical yet. Brig is perfect, spaulders are okay, arms are... acceptable, greaves are okay, but the gauntlets are completely out of place. And I need my sallet. Need to poke my smith again.

    I would give back the compliment, but I have nothing I could base it on, your avatars are all.. not you! :p
    "If you happen to live in Germany, I'll let you shoot me with that plywood-penetrating bow, while I'm wearing my armour. I am that confident in it."

    Wo *genau* wohnst du noch gleich? Nicht nur, dass mit einem Bogen auf dich zu schießen verdammt lustig klingt, du scheinst auch ein wirklich interessanter Gesprächspartner zu sein. Dich mal in Echt zu erleben ist vermutlich noch besser, als deine Posts zu lesen^^
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Schicke dir eine PN. Entschuldige die späte Nachricht, ich hab gar keine Benachrichtigung für deinen Kommentar gekriegt. :p
    I'll get around to answering all the questions in all these threads at some point this week. I apologise for the delay, but I am only human.
    It might be a good time to change this status!
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Elric von Rabenfels
    Oh, I couldn't be bothered to change it.
    Until you pointed it out.
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