Damn, I'm excited
I hope we'll get a proper port this time, although it seems it will be using GfWL again, which is annoying, but as long as the game is good...
ok ok might have exaggerated a bit, point is, in Dark souls, if u're for instance a dex build, there is no upgrade path to chose from that does anything else than just increasing physical damage output. (Normal and Crystal)Dex is useless in dark souls? That's the complete opposite of everything I've experienced in my 200 hours or heard from people who have played more than me...
Imo Dark souls is more difficult, but Demon's souls require more skills. The bosses in Demon's souls were more fair, if u died it was completely ur fault. while in dark souls, some bosses "cheat" (Stunlocking for instance)My only complaint on Dark Souls (the original) is that some places weren't just hard - they were sadistic.
Without giving away stuff: Sen's Fortress. Hidden bonfires. Bed of Chaos. That crossing on Anor Londo - you know the one. Invisible bridges. Insta-death falls. Bosses that require you to previously defeat a enemy outside of the boss zone in order to make it actually possible to beat the boss (and there's no way you can know this beforehand).
There aren't many, but those are enough to keep many people away, and unnecessarily so.
SPOILER ALERT: This is in response to Komuflage's question. (I don't know how the use the spoiler function, lol)Imo Dark souls is more difficult, but Demon's souls require more skills. The bosses in Demon's souls were more fair, if u died it was completely ur fault. while in dark souls, some bosses "cheat" (Stunlocking for instance)
However, what boss do u need to defeat an enemy outside the boss zone in order to beat? (Long time ago I played.)
I seem to remember something like this. Which boss was this again, i can't remember exactly which oneYea right, now I remember
Well, like u say u don't Have to kill them.
It was "worse" in Demon's souls, there were a boss that, unless u killed a specific normal mob, would respawn after u killed it.