Im super stuck, literally...

Ok, I was fighting the gollums like a true man, crouched and trying to lure them to me near a big fire. One of them decided to trample me apparently and I got wedged under the firepit. I am currently floundering like a fish as I have been for the last 10 minutes. Help or please make a way I can get out without making a new character.


All I can advice is keep floundering like a fish until something works. I was fighting two opponents when suddenly I fell backwards onto a reversed bench and my butt got stuck. It was kind of funny because I spent quite some time trying to get out while the two guys were trying to whack my head... but at the same time the bench protected me from any harm. I felt like I was in a Jackie Chan movie.

Then I managed to get out of that situation... only to be knocked down while I was standing up.
Lol, yeah I was stuck for about 40 minutes and my only joy was watching the gollums repeatedly faceplant trying to get to fact that is The only reason I got out, one of them partially slid under and bumped me loose. There needs to be some way to roll or crawl to help with this problem


Yep ! And it's planned.
I feel you tho, I once got stuck in a fireplace... I thought there were something... took me like 20 minutes to get out, but I did it ;)
Good luck.


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