Suggestion about combat situations


I have an idea for the game that I think has not been suggested before, but ofcourse I am not an insider so I could be wrong.
For me, one of the best things about the combat in this game is ofcourse the physics engine. But not only how it affects the movement of your character or the weight of the swings, but also how it affects my immersion into a combat situation. An example of what I am trying to say (and one of my favorite moments in the game) is when you have a fight in, lets say, one of the mess halls/taverns. You're standing there, startled by the sound of one of those soulless bodies getting angry, and it comes towards you pushing and shoving away the furniture and other objects that are between you and your enemy. Tables are falling over, plates are crashing down and pots are rolling on the floor.
This tiny aspect makes the combat so much more immersive for me than in any other game I've played. The thing I am suggesting is some kind of push (or maybe just the regular attack animation) for the mindless freaks to shove the objects away, instead of just running through them. A more advanced adjustment (but nothing the dev team can't handle I suppose) is for slightly more "human" NPC's to have small adjustments in their AI and pathfinding so that they can walk around objects (which is probably allready a feature) but also sometimes choose to push something over or out of the way.
I can only dream of shitting my pants when an enemy suddenly advances in my direction, pushing away a table, hearing the sound of cups and pitchers hitting the floor with a loud clang.


Smarter npc's like the skeletons(they will be able to open doors and sense you through walls in future) do maneuver around things and move around in fights to not hit each other. Usually zombies move around stuff as well.

Pushing things might be pretty cool if it can work well haha. Not sure if it will be worth it though, perhaps one day.


Pushing things might be pretty cool if it can work well haha. Not sure if it will be worth it though, perhaps one day.
You must understand that just a pointless animation of a "zombie" moving his arm in a pushing motion when it walks against a table or a chair would be enough to increase the immersion. I'm not just talking about actual programmed AI for pushing around objects (which would ofcourse be even cooler if possible).


You must understand that just a pointless animation of a "zombie" moving his arm in a pushing motion when it walks against a table or a chair would be enough to increase the immersion. I'm not just talking about actual programmed AI for pushing around objects (which would ofcourse be even cooler if possible).
I've actually suggested kicks be added for this purpose. Imagine kicking a door open, a table over, or using a kick to push your opponent off of you when they start to hug you followed up with a lethal strike? It would be so great :).


I'll revive this a bit. Pushing could also work in the opposite direction - characters could push itself away from static obstacles if they happen to walk into them. If those obstacles happen to be non-static, they'll fly away instead of characters.
It would add whole new level of using surroundings by enemies, if zombie that lean against the wall would have additional speed (thus also reach) for his attack.
Only thing is I don't know how could it be controlled by the player? Probably automatically - touching wall with right arm combat mode together with A key. Best served with shield-bash ;)


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