Thoughts and Ideas General


Maybe that is the endgame they've been talking about, the black plague! After X hours playing the black plague starts to spread an everyone dies, and it's up to you to find the cure before it happens. :p
Or maybe you could free play and have new content (kinda like minecraft but a lot better no offense to mojang). And they were talking about upto 50 people multiplayer support so that's gonna be awesome. And I really hope this awesome game won't end in a few hours, because I wanna play it for months!


Or maybe you could free play and have new content (kinda like minecraft but a lot better no offense to mojang). And they were talking about upto 50 people multiplayer support so that's gonna be awesome. And I really hope this awesome game won't end in a few hours, because I wanna play it for months!
Every game has to 'end' sometimes, I'm guessing that they'll be quite a lot of DLC, and modding tools that should come available later on... ;)


I do rather like the bit in the "confirmed features" thread about not having the usual loot system, whereby most of the items are junk despite being enchanted somehow.

I think that shouldn't happen. In Morrowind, if you clear out a cave or a ruin it remains empty forever. This made the game even more of a wasteland than it already was.

If guards in a city are killed it would make sense that the city hired more.
Well, presumably that's just a side effect of having non-respawning enemies without considering the effects of that. It's fine to have a desolate world, devoid of enemies because they've all been killed, just embrace that in the design.

The main thing seems to be timescale of respawning. Maybe if you've completed the quests, you should be able to do a timeskip; "The world is at peace, you hang up your gear and embark upon a 5 year pub crawl as the nation gratefully buys you drinks. 5 years later, word of a new evil reaches you, you pick up your sword again and notice none of your old armour fits any more due to the beer gut". The world has aged, the trees a little taller, the vines a little thicker on the walls, your character has a few more grey hairs. Do it a few more times and your character is just too old for this stuff anymore (think Old Snake in MGS4), and the control switches to your son/daughter who has just come of age.


I wanted to make a little suggestion about the appearance of armors, instead of put cloaks in SOME armors, I think it will be better to add different type of cloaks, capes, hoods an stuff like that as an accesory and an independent item, in that way if I don´t like the looking of the armor I'm wearing put some accesories to make it look better if I think the armor looks great just like that take off cloaks or other items or in other perspective it will be like "I'm wearing the same armor as you, but mine looks different" that would add something new making your armor "customizable"

as example:



That's a great idea, one game that have this is Toee.

In the middle you see the chest piece (includes legs as well in this game) above and to the right is a cloak, which comes with a hood. But if you wear a Helmet as well, the hood is removed and it works like a cape instead. And in the top right corner is a robe that you can wear. So it's possible to wear like leather armour, a robe above it and a cape/cloak over that. It's a great way to customize your appearance.

I would also like to be able to wear different gloves/bots per hand/foot, for instance I could have a simple leather glove on my shield arm, but plate on my sword arm. That way I can keep the weight down, but still gain good protection. This should be the same with shoulder armour, so if I have a huge shield in my left hand, I might not need shoulder armour on that arm.


But the slotless inventory system has nothing to do with what you can equip on your character, or I'm I wrong? :confused:


I meant that the slotless inventory system allows clothing/armour to be naturally stacked on top of each other, e.g. cape over armour over shirt, as in the example in the dev update #3. That seems to be pretty much exactly what Lathspell was asking for.

I agree that the ability to equip items asymmetrically would be great, e.g. glove on one hand but not the other. I'd definitely like to see that implemented. I don't think BM have mentioned anything about the possibility of that yet though...


Oh, I thought he meant that he wanted to combine different "armours" like a cloak over a plate chest piece, like my example from toee that have that kind of system :p

Cooper Holt

I wanted to make a little suggestion about the appearance of armors, instead of put cloaks in SOME armors, I think it will be better to add different type of cloaks, capes, hoods an stuff like that as an accesory and an independent item, in that way if I don´t like the looking of the armor I'm wearing put some accesories to make it look better if I think the armor looks great just like that take off cloaks or other items or in other perspective it will be like "I'm wearing the same armor as you, but mine looks different" that would add something new making your armor "customizable"

as example:
Cool armours
I love this idea, and I love all those armours.


I would like the game to have really really heavy rain included. In one of the videos the slider for rain was on maximum and it rained just normally. I would like to see stormy rain with so much water like sometimes it happens when you're driving a car and you almost can't see enough of the street before you even though the windshield wiper moves as fast as it can.


I would like the game to have really really heavy rain included. In one of the videos the slider for rain was on maximum and it rained just normally. I would like to see stormy rain with so much water like sometimes it happens when you're driving a car and you almost can't see enough of the street before you even though the windshield wiper moves as fast as it can.
Good idea, and maybe really heavy rain could slow down your movement speed a bit (~10%) and make NPCs less alert. I think it could contribute to the immersion if weather and stuff would have an actual impact on the gameplay and your decisions.


what about fog? at the worst you cant even see a meter ahead of you, then you are mostly reliant on sounds.
If they add storms with thunder and lightning, it would be fun if the lightning can strike you if youre standing too much in the open, and wearing metal would make the chance of getting hit higher.
I think the only issue with this is that weather would have to be random otherwise you'd know when it was gonna rain from a previous play through. If it's random, it could mean two play throughs which would otherwise be identical could be different because a peasant was hit by lightning. I don't know if this is the popular opinion but I see that as a flaw.


I think the only issue with this is that weather would have to be random otherwise you'd know when it was gonna rain from a previous play through. If it's random, it could mean two play throughs which would otherwise be identical could be different because a peasant was hit by lightning. I don't know if this is the popular opinion but I see that as a flaw.
Is it a flaw that in one playthrough a peasant is hit by lightning, and in the next playthrough he isn't?
I see that as a good thing, diversity. Not knowing what to expect just increases the amount of playthoughs u can play before getting bored.
Is it a flaw that in one playthrough a peasant is hit by lightning, and in the next playthrough he isn't?
I see that as a good thing, diversity. Not knowing what to expect just increases the amount of playthoughs u can play before getting bored.
I agree with you, I like diversity too. But I want diversity to be because of my actions. Like the whole multiverse theory, every decision you make would have a potential parallel world where something else happens. That I want. I don't want that to be ruined by anything random at all. So either the weather is random and it breaks that system or the weather is the same and becomes repetitive. Or, you dynamically create weather and have things like thaumaturgy affect it but I think that would be a lot of work for such a small issue.


i think weather should be random as well. i dont think the devs would have enough time to put in a weather simulator into the game, but would be cool if they still managed to make it so if u use thaumaturgy to make it rain then another place close by where it should normally have rained it wont fall a drop, this might be easy for a little area, but for a whole huge island, and for every part to act good together with no bugs, or as little as possible, i think it would take too much time to make.


Things I would like to see:-

- Gore, broken limbs, blood etc. (already mentioned, seconded)
- More variety of weapons (like the flail, as seen on some of the enemies in released videos, bows, crossbows, double bladed swords, axes, staffs (magic or otherwise) etc.
- A character leveling system
- Bigger variety of monsters/enemies
- Armor customization

All in all, extremely excited for the May 2014 release. Good job guys! :D


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