It's ok, I like how many nice sounding, promise-promising words you can force into an IDK post. Look here fella, my time's limited since I'm 29, I don't, I can't enjoy games the same way I used to in the past, plzz hurry. Here is what I want; https://scontent-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/30714251_554070731658836_4110547649487175680_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=a4ba6e63b3efae9f44785993f783477d&oe=5B6BAA62Most of Bare Mettle is working on finalizing the post portal level while Madoc is working on getting the dynamic balancer functioning under all conditions. Madoc was originally planning on helping the team finalize things in the post portal level to get the patch out sooner but after some internal testing concluded it was necessary to work on the movement balancer instead. These are the last two major things necessary for the patch to be publicly released (the other minor issues such as fleshing out the companion's behaviors, adding more dialogue, etc. can be polished after the patch goes public). I can only guess at how long it'll take based upon what Madoc has mentioned but I'm hesitant to do so since I don't want to give people false hopes.