About shields

The Witcher

at the moment the bigger the shield the better the starting shield [Bucket top] is one of the best shields because its big and it covers you alot so some people asked for shields to break.It was very very rare for shields to break on a battlefield even if they were made out of cheap materials so what about losing a small amount of hp if you block a attack with a low quality shield like real life your hand could get damaged if you blocked a sledgehammer with a wooden shield but if you blocked a sledgehammer with a plate covered steel shield you would get a lot less damaged so what about losing hp not the red one the yellow one


I just think there should be more options to get around a shield. Like if you have a sword, you should be able to re-position your attack to get around the shield. It's way to hard right now imo. I feel like landing a blow on someone with a shield is always a blessing.


Disagree. 2 both u. Taking little love taps on the shield can do stamina damage, I personally hate this, not the mechanic I just hate it happening. I almost exclusively go 2h or torch and 1h. But you can use it to your advantage. Pound in someone with a shield and then you tap them somewhere for the kill.

SHIELDS will be getting completely rework though

The Witcher

i dont really care about the shields just crouch and hit the legs but they give a bit of advantage i asked for only shitty shields not to block that much damage


A lot of damage "can" bleed through already. As I said just pound away on the shield bearer and last hit on their body. Just like someone in fullplate, you have to "chip" away. Shields "should " give a huge advantage over just using a single 1h weapon, even outside of a rank and file formation. And as far as I can tell, there are only 2 shitty shields in the game atm. AND wielding a shield is assuming you're using it right, and just as with a parry, you use the shield to skip, bounce, and deflect his, not just absorb them. Right now the thing I've noticed is the kite shield and metal shields don't absorb much as you'd hope, not that the shitty shields are absorbing too much. That's because right now other than shape basically all the shields are identical, "dumb" objects. And as I said they are going to get completely reworked. Along with skills. They just aren't there yet. You're complaining about something that is in a stop gap iteration, it's like complaining that the dirt road is too rocky when they are going to pave the street next week..... so what.

The Witcher

whatever as i said i dont care that much about shields lets dont make this toxic anyway lets leave this post like how it is


I'd love to use the metal buckler or those small brass shields in level 4 rather than nothing but that one heater shield.

I think if a shield is made of a weaker material, such as wood (I think?) in the heater's case, then it should cause the user to take more stamina damage than a shield made of steel such as the buckler carried by #5 in the expert arena.

Not exactly sure how I feel on this, but bigger shields could further be balanced by a weight system, so if you use a large metal shield, your turn speed will be slightly slower than if you use a smaller shield or a shield with lighter material.


Just because it's wood doesn't mean it's not strong enough, and wood will absorb more force than metal, but can break. Since nothing breaks in Exanamia wood would be better, if they were actually material difference concerned, but they aren't. They are all just "dumb" object and Madoc has even said they don't act like they will.


I can't wait for bucklers to get better, myself, and to be treated more like a side-arm. I'll smash noses in and shatter jaws!


By the way, is anything planned for shield+unarmed combat?

Currently, wielding a shield in one hand and nothing in the other will completely prevent you from being able to attack.


yeah tower shields would make me consider them, especially with a 1h spear. Pillar of annoying.

Edit: my real concern is that shield already can be very troublesome. Many people complain about how hard it is to hit them, though I'm starting to think these are basically all spacebar holders. A tower shield would be very difficult to manage, and will either be so slow that a marginally good player will either run circles around you or it'll be too good making a player basically unhitable. With the realistic nature of the game I have a feeling it'll be more likely that they will make you very immobile and get picked apart by anyone better than bad.
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Yeah, I have actually noticed that while using a shield (or at least the barrel lid) that small amounts of damage soak through. Maybe with the skills for shields being added we'll get some new stuff to look forward to.


damage is supposed to soak through and you'll never reduce all the risk of this happening, though I would expect 1 or 2 skills helping mitigate this bleed through. Just as I'm hoping for a Anti-shield skill in the shield tree that will let you soak more damage through.


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