Computer Specs

Cooper Holt

What will the necessary specs be to smoothly run Sui Generis with normal settings on?
My current laptop only has 6gb of RAM, and I don't think that will be nearly enough.

Which brings me to my second concern,

Will there be toggle-able graphics options?
I'll hopefully be getting a new computer soon with 8-12gb of RAM, any input?

Gary Riley

I would say that you need to consider which ones will be most comfortable to wear, but that will also be best on your eyes, what does your optician recommend?

Joking aside.... I would say its a bit early to tell, but you can tell a lot by the engine used as to the specs, I would assume that since they are running smooth on a PC of today (rather than that of 2014), that 8 gig should be fine... But best thing would be to start saving now and looking at January sales 2014 for a laptop as one from then would more likely have enough gaming power, and if one from now is good enough, then it will be that much cheaper. :)

Joe Moore

Why would you say that? I can get a better response sooner here.
Because this is something everyone will want to know, and this is not the "Speedy Response Forum."

Also this link.

It's really hard to say without knowing what graphics card you have, especially with laptops. We don't have a minimum spec yet and we haven't really seen what we can achieve when turning graphics settings down. If you can run Skyrim at all you'll probably do fine with SG though.

Cooper Holt

Because this is something everyone will want to know, and this is not the "Speedy Response Forum."

Also this link.
Thank you for showing me that post.
When the time comes it would be better if Madoc could tell me the answer, but for now that will have to do.
Thanks again,


With graphics like that in combination with an advanced physx system like the current one i tap my hat for the fact that after that the game would only require 2gb of ram or perhaps a bit less even :)


With graphics like that in combination with an advanced physx system like the current one i tap my hat for the fact that after that the game would only require 2gb of ram or perhaps a bit less even :)
dosen't use physx it uses OpenCL which may i add AMD graphics card's run it better know this because i do a little bit of bitcoin mining and that is all OpenCL and AMD blows nvidia out the water with that (not starting a fanboy war just saying they tend to be better at OpenCL but i will take this back if im proven wrong :) )


The physics doesn't use OpenCL either, it's pure CPU.

RAM requirements will be very low, CPU requirements will be average, GPU requirements will be scalable but largely the bottleneck in terms of performance. The fillrate of a GPU will be more relevant than the GFLOPS etc, which is atypical of games today.

Basically, if you want to get an idea of how well it would run, assuming a decent CPU, check out the fillrates of the graphics card on the wikis here:

Cooper Holt, I fear your current laptop may be lacking, but when you upgrade choose a new one with the highest fillrates possible from that list and you'll be golden :)


The physics doesn't use OpenCL either, it's pure CPU.

RAM requirements will be very low, CPU requirements will be average, GPU requirements will be scalable but largely the bottleneck in terms of performance. The fillrate of a GPU will be more relevant than the GFLOPS etc, which is atypical of games today.

Basically, if you want to get an idea of how well it would run, assuming a decent CPU, check out the fillrates of the graphics card on the wikis here:

Cooper Holt, I fear your current laptop may be lacking, but when you upgrade choose a new one with the highest fillrates possible from that list and you'll be golden :)
I can boast in this area :p here's to SLI 680's. ooohhh, and getting a 120Gb SSd coming tomorrow :D

Cooper Holt

The physics doesn't use OpenCL either, it's pure CPU.

Cooper Holt, I fear your current laptop may be lacking, but when you upgrade choose a new one with the highest fillrates possible from that list and you'll be golden :)
Man, that's really too bad.
Getting a new laptop is completely out of the question for me. :(
I have two questions:

1. Will there be toggleable performance/graphics options in-game?

2. I'm confused, how exactly can I find the "GPU" of my computer? Or have I already given it to you?

Also, will turning down the graphics in-game (if possible) help how well the game runs?


I can boast in this area :p here's to SLI 680's. ooohhh, and getting a 120Gb SSd coming tomorrow :D
nice man i got the Radeon HD 7950 clocked to 975 60gb ssd and with the game im gonna put it on a ramdrive so it will load bloody fast haha got amd quadcore with 4.2ghz percore thats normally pretty good for games


nice man i got the Radeon HD 7950 clocked to 975 60gb ssd and with the game im gonna put it on a ramdrive so it will load bloody fast haha got amd quadcore with 4.2ghz percore thats normally pretty good for games
Decent :p Got GTAIV loaded onto my SSD, super fast! Haha

Haven't oc'ed anything yet though. scared


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