Reiher Allendi
Something essential for any good RPG is the lore surrounding your character progress. Since Exanima's lore is fragmented among scrolls and books that you may have missed - I'm posting here every text collected in my gameplay.
I'm posting too some images (printscreens) for you guys be sure this is in-game content. Unfortunally I don't know when I got each book/scroll so it's difficult for me to put in sequence.
PS.: I marked red for typing errors (in-game) to make easier to devs fix them. Also marked yellow for character names.
Old Parchment
In response to our surprising failure we've installed Naiss's ingenious mechanism as a final precaution against intrusion. It can only be operated by those with knowledge of its workings. Simply press all the outer buttons but never two near eachother in sequence before operating it. This will surely keep them out no matter how smart they are.
A proctor! Just as I feared, and yet I grew complacent. She was well prepared, obviously she had some idea of what to expect, it was only luck that she didn't kill me. I cannot stay here, I must hide and prepare defences. I don't know how I will be able to continue my work. The proctor would have made an excellent subject, a shame I had to kill her so. I will leave her here to impede any who would pursue me.
Old Parchment
Darrin, please inform Naiss that he's and idiot. Only a handful of the soldiers are able to reliably operate the mechanism without incident. They don't even understand what they've doing wrong, clearly it is not as simple as he'd have us believe. We've had several incidents already and I'm now having to teach precautions to avoid being burned.
Old Parchment
Burn, burn it all! A lifetime watching over things that I must now quietly consign to the fires. For what? The teachings of a monstrous traitor? The sorry truth is that no one is willing now to admit they were wrong, too much was invested, it couldn't be for nothing. And so we go forth and burn the path behind us, let blind hope be our guide.
Old Parchment
Dassin, keep a watchful eye over the scribes and the archivists, especially the archivists. There have been many reports of things being taken and hidden away. We must be thorough.
Old Parchment
Some of the soldiers are trying to intimidate me into giving them certain items. I made the mistake of trying to explain why we limit their use, clearly they do not agree and now they dislike me more. Should I inform the captain? I see no choice that will not lead me to more trouble.
Old Parchment
When I took this oath I told myself my life no longer mattered. Now that courage, that sense of purpose, is fading fast. I look to the others for strength, but I find the same doubt in their eyes. They mocked us and now I see the truth of it. This is senseless.
I fear I don't have long left. I have abandoned my efforts to escape death. It was foolish, and yet I have accomplished so much. I must try to send word to Thaven, he will see the importance of my work, even though he is concerned with other matters.
I believed Thaven's pursuits to be as hollow as my own, a stubborn refusal to accept bitter truths. After what I've seen here anything seems possible. I will spend the rest of my days discovering what I can, I can still be of help.
I have never been so terrified. I was attacked by a huge dreadful creature. A demon perhaps? I tried to control it, but though its mind felt completely unguarded, it was oblivious to my intrusion. I was only able to confuse it briefly and get away, I am defenceless against this thing. I dare not venture out again.
These dead guards, perahps I could call them to action. I don't imagine they could do much against such a monster, but the distraction might cover my escape.
One of my subjects found a most remarkable weapon and escaped, making quick work of anything in his path. I was surprised by his ability to guard his mind against me, I tracked his escape for some time but he then completely vanished from my senses. How did he do that? Who is he?
I have found a helmet which blocks my power when I wear it. Perhaps more importantly it shielded me from the noise of other minds, that presence that has haunted me since I came here was gone. Shortly after donning it I fell asleep, I am certain it was not its power that did this but the calm that came over me, I had not slept so well in quite some time. I feel certain now that it is this presence that causes unrest and aggressiveness in my subjects, clearly it is malevolent.
Old Parchment
I am certain that Zuiek is importing contraband goods. We have searched his lodgings and the glass workshop on several occasions but we never find anything, not even a hiding place he might use. That old toad has been here longer than any of us and he thinks he can outsmart us. I must be missing something, but what?
What terrible place is this? A thunderous voice shouts unintelligebly in my mind, as though trying to command me with wordless urgency. It's as though it wants to botch urge me and sooth me, I am terrified that I may succumb to its will. This strangle helm is my only respite, but it leaves me vulnerable.
There is also a constant wailing of ancient restless spirits, has this presence been keeping them from finding peace?
Old Parchment
As you know I have placed a very special order with you. Given the significant payment I have given you expect prompt delivery, why have I yet to hear from you?
I'm sitting in a tavern, something I have not done a long time. Alas it is quite empty and all the drink has spoiled long ago.
These people cannot have been so different from us. And yet some things are very strange. are lamps and even fires that never burn out, I do not understand the source of their power. These walls echo with souls of the long dead but beneath that I sense something else, like a far reaching presence, it is faint but everywhere, and very strange. Could this be the mythical Guardian? Or even Thaven's Spellgiver?
I feel a growing resentment for Thaven. On the one hand I wish to please him, to impress him, but such thoughts then lead me to anger. I once believed there was friendship between us, now I think perhaps it was based on naught but common interests. His disregard for all things other than his single minded purpose has hurt us, it has put us all in difficulty and danger. I was always feared, but I was also respected. To be driven from my own home by peasants!
So far results are disappointing. I suppose I should have expected as much after the initial dramatic progress. I am seeing some improvement but I feel as though I need a change in direction to really go further. If only poor Papin was still with me, exchanging thoughts with him would benefit me greatly.
Hamon has obviously cast aside our agreement. He's sending far too many down here and I've lost all contact with him. What is he trying to do? One of these wretches confessed that he was told to seek treasure. Someone will notice all these missing people. And that if one finds me while I sleep? I no longer feel safe here, I have locked the doors but I should venture further and look for something more secure.
I think my illness has worsened since coming here, I often feel confused, as if battling conflicting thoughts. My temper keeps getting the better of me, an aggressive trait I never knew I posessed. Perhaps it is simply a response to all that has happened. Even so it scares me, I don't recognise myself. I must make a greater effort to retain my composure.
Dearest Mathis,
Elara has disappeared. Many have gone missing of late but bandits in the area are not uncommon. Elara however does not travel, why would they have taken her? I dread to think what they might do to her. I thought of a ransom and so, I am ashamed to admit, I thought of you. But there have been no requests for ransom, just more and more missing. I assume news of these events has not reached Ardent, it has been long since we've seen a proctor. What am I to do dear cousin? Will you at least advise me?
This appears to be the final page of a letter.
"... and assist him in whatever way you can. If all else fails then recover any information he has gathered and bring it to me. There is potential in you, succeed here and we will find a place for you.
Badly scribbled across the back of the page are the following words:
"There is another way out"
Consignment has arrived, I must find a suitable place and begin work. Finally I can resume living with a vague semblance of decency. I cannot stand this filth any longer, I've been living like an animal.
Life of Linus Fendrick
Life of Linus Fendrick by Anonymous.
A famous book with an even more famous story surrounding it, often told by mothers to their young children, a cautionary tale on the dark and sinister trappings of thaumaturgy. Fendrick was a gifted thaumaturge who lost his young wife and three children in some gruesome accident. He was thus driven to necromancy in the hope of resurrecting them, not the traditional crude raising of the dread, but with full sentience and cognizance. His practices and experiments were most vile in nature. Kidnappings, torture, murder, keeping his family's bodies in a state between life and death for some forty years; his crimes were plentiful and led to nothing save failure and despair.
The Forgotten Power
The Forgotten Power by Anonymous
According to this book humans are powerful, immortal beings that have forgotten their true nature. That, by living your life by a certain moral code, performing certain rituals and eating a certain diet, you can achieve great power and ultimately unlock your dormant immortality.
Binding of the Dead
Binding of the Dead by Linus Fendrick
The pages of this book are stuck together and ruined by copious amounts of blood.
Forgotten by Aime Koren.
A scholarly book about memory and cognizance. What we forget and why we forget it, how we choose to make a history for ourselves regardless of the facts, how we are defined by the wholly unreliable and subjective thing we call memory.
A long list of people undergoing treatment of often grevious wounds. Many of the injuries appear to be bites and lacerations, presumably resulting from the attacks of some sort of animal.
A list of people assigned guard duty here. The same names are repeated, signed and stamped over and over again.
Occassionally a name disappears suddenly and is replaced by another, no reason for this is noted.
A log of work orders, it seems as though many people were involved in completing them. Most of the names seem strange and many items are described with words you've never seen before.
This book presents itself as nothing more than a collection of absurd theories on the existence of ghosts, however there are parts written in a different tone.
"There is an innate power in the ghost realm, unlike the physical world it is not governed by the constraints of matter or the laws of physics. A ghost can conjure anything, any object of power they can simply call into being, much as we do when we dream. This however requires keen awareness of their condition, an understanding of their realm and their place within it. Most ghosts wander in a state of confusion, at the mercy of twisted thoughts and perceptions, but not all. There are those that have awakened, or perhaps never slept, never were in a dream like state. These wield great power, they can shape things not only in the ghost realm but within our own."
A log of work orders, it seems as though many people were involved in completing them. Most of the names seem strange and many items are described with words you've never seen before.
A catalogue exhaustively describing many common and unremarkable plants in great detail. It's hard to image why anyone would undertake such a pointless endeavour.
A detailed log of various materials being delivered and dispatched. The script and some of the spelling seem very unusual. What you assume must be dates have a format that you can't make sense of.

I'm posting too some images (printscreens) for you guys be sure this is in-game content. Unfortunally I don't know when I got each book/scroll so it's difficult for me to put in sequence.
PS.: I marked red for typing errors (in-game) to make easier to devs fix them. Also marked yellow for character names.
Old Parchment
In response to our surprising failure we've installed Naiss's ingenious mechanism as a final precaution against intrusion. It can only be operated by those with knowledge of its workings. Simply press all the outer buttons but never two near eachother in sequence before operating it. This will surely keep them out no matter how smart they are.
A proctor! Just as I feared, and yet I grew complacent. She was well prepared, obviously she had some idea of what to expect, it was only luck that she didn't kill me. I cannot stay here, I must hide and prepare defences. I don't know how I will be able to continue my work. The proctor would have made an excellent subject, a shame I had to kill her so. I will leave her here to impede any who would pursue me.
Old Parchment
Darrin, please inform Naiss that he's and idiot. Only a handful of the soldiers are able to reliably operate the mechanism without incident. They don't even understand what they've doing wrong, clearly it is not as simple as he'd have us believe. We've had several incidents already and I'm now having to teach precautions to avoid being burned.
Old Parchment
Burn, burn it all! A lifetime watching over things that I must now quietly consign to the fires. For what? The teachings of a monstrous traitor? The sorry truth is that no one is willing now to admit they were wrong, too much was invested, it couldn't be for nothing. And so we go forth and burn the path behind us, let blind hope be our guide.
Old Parchment
Dassin, keep a watchful eye over the scribes and the archivists, especially the archivists. There have been many reports of things being taken and hidden away. We must be thorough.
Old Parchment
Some of the soldiers are trying to intimidate me into giving them certain items. I made the mistake of trying to explain why we limit their use, clearly they do not agree and now they dislike me more. Should I inform the captain? I see no choice that will not lead me to more trouble.
Old Parchment
When I took this oath I told myself my life no longer mattered. Now that courage, that sense of purpose, is fading fast. I look to the others for strength, but I find the same doubt in their eyes. They mocked us and now I see the truth of it. This is senseless.
I fear I don't have long left. I have abandoned my efforts to escape death. It was foolish, and yet I have accomplished so much. I must try to send word to Thaven, he will see the importance of my work, even though he is concerned with other matters.
I believed Thaven's pursuits to be as hollow as my own, a stubborn refusal to accept bitter truths. After what I've seen here anything seems possible. I will spend the rest of my days discovering what I can, I can still be of help.
I have never been so terrified. I was attacked by a huge dreadful creature. A demon perhaps? I tried to control it, but though its mind felt completely unguarded, it was oblivious to my intrusion. I was only able to confuse it briefly and get away, I am defenceless against this thing. I dare not venture out again.
These dead guards, perahps I could call them to action. I don't imagine they could do much against such a monster, but the distraction might cover my escape.
One of my subjects found a most remarkable weapon and escaped, making quick work of anything in his path. I was surprised by his ability to guard his mind against me, I tracked his escape for some time but he then completely vanished from my senses. How did he do that? Who is he?
I have found a helmet which blocks my power when I wear it. Perhaps more importantly it shielded me from the noise of other minds, that presence that has haunted me since I came here was gone. Shortly after donning it I fell asleep, I am certain it was not its power that did this but the calm that came over me, I had not slept so well in quite some time. I feel certain now that it is this presence that causes unrest and aggressiveness in my subjects, clearly it is malevolent.
Old Parchment
I am certain that Zuiek is importing contraband goods. We have searched his lodgings and the glass workshop on several occasions but we never find anything, not even a hiding place he might use. That old toad has been here longer than any of us and he thinks he can outsmart us. I must be missing something, but what?
What terrible place is this? A thunderous voice shouts unintelligebly in my mind, as though trying to command me with wordless urgency. It's as though it wants to botch urge me and sooth me, I am terrified that I may succumb to its will. This strangle helm is my only respite, but it leaves me vulnerable.
There is also a constant wailing of ancient restless spirits, has this presence been keeping them from finding peace?
Old Parchment
As you know I have placed a very special order with you. Given the significant payment I have given you expect prompt delivery, why have I yet to hear from you?
I'm sitting in a tavern, something I have not done a long time. Alas it is quite empty and all the drink has spoiled long ago.
These people cannot have been so different from us. And yet some things are very strange. are lamps and even fires that never burn out, I do not understand the source of their power. These walls echo with souls of the long dead but beneath that I sense something else, like a far reaching presence, it is faint but everywhere, and very strange. Could this be the mythical Guardian? Or even Thaven's Spellgiver?
I feel a growing resentment for Thaven. On the one hand I wish to please him, to impress him, but such thoughts then lead me to anger. I once believed there was friendship between us, now I think perhaps it was based on naught but common interests. His disregard for all things other than his single minded purpose has hurt us, it has put us all in difficulty and danger. I was always feared, but I was also respected. To be driven from my own home by peasants!
So far results are disappointing. I suppose I should have expected as much after the initial dramatic progress. I am seeing some improvement but I feel as though I need a change in direction to really go further. If only poor Papin was still with me, exchanging thoughts with him would benefit me greatly.
Hamon has obviously cast aside our agreement. He's sending far too many down here and I've lost all contact with him. What is he trying to do? One of these wretches confessed that he was told to seek treasure. Someone will notice all these missing people. And that if one finds me while I sleep? I no longer feel safe here, I have locked the doors but I should venture further and look for something more secure.
I think my illness has worsened since coming here, I often feel confused, as if battling conflicting thoughts. My temper keeps getting the better of me, an aggressive trait I never knew I posessed. Perhaps it is simply a response to all that has happened. Even so it scares me, I don't recognise myself. I must make a greater effort to retain my composure.
Dearest Mathis,
Elara has disappeared. Many have gone missing of late but bandits in the area are not uncommon. Elara however does not travel, why would they have taken her? I dread to think what they might do to her. I thought of a ransom and so, I am ashamed to admit, I thought of you. But there have been no requests for ransom, just more and more missing. I assume news of these events has not reached Ardent, it has been long since we've seen a proctor. What am I to do dear cousin? Will you at least advise me?
This appears to be the final page of a letter.
"... and assist him in whatever way you can. If all else fails then recover any information he has gathered and bring it to me. There is potential in you, succeed here and we will find a place for you.
Badly scribbled across the back of the page are the following words:
"There is another way out"
Consignment has arrived, I must find a suitable place and begin work. Finally I can resume living with a vague semblance of decency. I cannot stand this filth any longer, I've been living like an animal.
Life of Linus Fendrick
Life of Linus Fendrick by Anonymous.
A famous book with an even more famous story surrounding it, often told by mothers to their young children, a cautionary tale on the dark and sinister trappings of thaumaturgy. Fendrick was a gifted thaumaturge who lost his young wife and three children in some gruesome accident. He was thus driven to necromancy in the hope of resurrecting them, not the traditional crude raising of the dread, but with full sentience and cognizance. His practices and experiments were most vile in nature. Kidnappings, torture, murder, keeping his family's bodies in a state between life and death for some forty years; his crimes were plentiful and led to nothing save failure and despair.
The Forgotten Power
The Forgotten Power by Anonymous
According to this book humans are powerful, immortal beings that have forgotten their true nature. That, by living your life by a certain moral code, performing certain rituals and eating a certain diet, you can achieve great power and ultimately unlock your dormant immortality.
Binding of the Dead
Binding of the Dead by Linus Fendrick
The pages of this book are stuck together and ruined by copious amounts of blood.
Forgotten by Aime Koren.
A scholarly book about memory and cognizance. What we forget and why we forget it, how we choose to make a history for ourselves regardless of the facts, how we are defined by the wholly unreliable and subjective thing we call memory.
A long list of people undergoing treatment of often grevious wounds. Many of the injuries appear to be bites and lacerations, presumably resulting from the attacks of some sort of animal.
A list of people assigned guard duty here. The same names are repeated, signed and stamped over and over again.
Occassionally a name disappears suddenly and is replaced by another, no reason for this is noted.
A log of work orders, it seems as though many people were involved in completing them. Most of the names seem strange and many items are described with words you've never seen before.
This book presents itself as nothing more than a collection of absurd theories on the existence of ghosts, however there are parts written in a different tone.
"There is an innate power in the ghost realm, unlike the physical world it is not governed by the constraints of matter or the laws of physics. A ghost can conjure anything, any object of power they can simply call into being, much as we do when we dream. This however requires keen awareness of their condition, an understanding of their realm and their place within it. Most ghosts wander in a state of confusion, at the mercy of twisted thoughts and perceptions, but not all. There are those that have awakened, or perhaps never slept, never were in a dream like state. These wield great power, they can shape things not only in the ghost realm but within our own."
A log of work orders, it seems as though many people were involved in completing them. Most of the names seem strange and many items are described with words you've never seen before.
A catalogue exhaustively describing many common and unremarkable plants in great detail. It's hard to image why anyone would undertake such a pointless endeavour.
A detailed log of various materials being delivered and dispatched. The script and some of the spelling seem very unusual. What you assume must be dates have a format that you can't make sense of.

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