Some of you read my journal, in which I wrote all my musings and reasoning about the lore (shameless plug: ) but I'll try to summarize all of it here. I'll keep the highly speculative stuff for the end, but the first parts I'm pretty confident about.
We have 3 major sources of information: the environment, which tells us pretty profound visual stories if we pay attention, recent scrolls, that I all attribute to the necromancer, and ancient scrolls, which come from various sources that date back to what I dub 'the garrison days', for lack of a proper terminology. This would b the period when both lvl 1-3 and the underworld were inhabited by the living.
Back then, Thaumaturges excavated the portal facility, possibly in defiance of authority as it would become cause for war, and found the portal. They built up an expedition force (as evidenced by all the workshops building heavy barricades and machinery at the bottom of their facility, instead of, say, near the entrance!) and crossed the portal, and either occupied an existing fortress (lvl 4 and 5 (well, 6, but you all know the one I mean )), or excavated it themselves, it's unclear. Those people founded the spider-demon-thing worshiping cult, and found great powers that allowed them to shape the fancy materials found only in the Underworld. Some small bits of that power made it's way back into the overworld facility, like the lamps and healing salve. They dabbled in, and eventually mastered, some really dark stuff, like the soul magic powering the golems, but overall seemed to have their shit under control, and it seems the spider-demons were keeping the Guardian at bay.
They setup 2 locations (that we can visit as of now I mean) in the underworld, the archives, and the temple. The archive was used to transcribe and distribute both their weird religion and their new findings in Thaumaturgy. It appeared to have also been the seat of power of a council of 12 that ruled in the Underworld facilities. The temple (I call it that, but it's exact purpose is up for debate), seemed to have been a place where rituals, crafts, Thaumaturgy and martial arts all met under one roof. It appears to have fallen sometime before Sir busted the archives to a more mundane threat, infiltration agents form the overworld authority, or perhaps another faction within the Underworld denizens. Either way they clearly had spies among them and it fostered paranoia, leading people to the arenas to learn combat, which in turn seemed to offend the arena managers on idealogical grounds, which all suggests the fighting pits was just one aspect of their religion.
They were eventually betrayed by someone who slew their idols, and then things went to shit for them. Their temple was infiltrated by (presumably) the conservers, a group of unknown origin or affiliation, who slowly murdered them all in their sleep over a period of weeks until there were so few left they were able to finish the job in a proper attack. The archives near the portal was assaulted by Sir, sent by the now unrestricted Guardian to rid the Underworld of the human invaders. They retreated back to the portal facility, sealed the gates, and abandoned the place in a hurry.
Probably centuries later (long enough for even the booze to turn to dust!), a new group of Thaumaturges, descended from the Underworld expedition (is thaumaturgy hereditary?) and led by Thaven, sends one of their own to the portal facility to look into their past. These guys are all under the growing influence of the awakened Guardian, who's power extends right through the portal, and whom they worship like a life-giving god despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. The guy they send, who I'll just call 'the necromancer', rapidly stumbles on all sorts of new soul magic (well, really old, but new to him), and due to Thaven and the Guardian's influence, becomes consumed by his research. They get Hamon to send him people to experiment on, which he turns into zombies, probably in an attempt to fully restore their lives.
Clearly they are once more acting in defiance of authority, since said authority sends a proctor after the necromancer not long before the PC wakes up in the storeroom. It is unclear who the 'unknown' PC was sent to help, he was likely a pawn of Hamon's, but it's also possible he was sent to assist the Proctor. Either way, the necromancer kills her and raises her right before crossing the portal with zombie-papin. Once through the portal, he has his encounter with Sir, and retreats into the temple, where he gets into even more trouble with the golems. It seems during his entire time in the Underworld, he was still collecting information and performing research however he could, and reporting his findings back to Thaven, presumably through some magical mean or other. The whole time he's down there, he makes it clear the Guardian is messing with his mind and the only thing saving him is his magical spell-dampening helmet. Last we hear from him in the temple, he seems so traumatized by his discoveries he actually wants to stop Thaven, a conclusion he is probably only capable of reaching thanks to the helmet.
Here's the highly speculative part: the unknown PC is the only one who will have Thaumaturgic abilities according to the devs, and he's conveniently amnesiac. I suspect he's the necromancer. It goes like this: Something went super-wrong down in the Underworld and he tried to escape, but failed and ended up waking up in that storeroom with no recollection of what he's doing there. How does the letter fit in all this? Easy: It's what's left of your original orders from Thaven, and you're missing parts of it because you dragged that piece of parchment all over the Underworld! It's unlikely to be right, but it would be a great plot twist.
While I'm pretty confident in my interpretation, it remains just that: an interpretation. I can't wait for new story content, I really want to find out more, the story so far is REALLY cleverly told largely through the env, but it's also still pretty vague in some regards.
We have 3 major sources of information: the environment, which tells us pretty profound visual stories if we pay attention, recent scrolls, that I all attribute to the necromancer, and ancient scrolls, which come from various sources that date back to what I dub 'the garrison days', for lack of a proper terminology. This would b the period when both lvl 1-3 and the underworld were inhabited by the living.
Back then, Thaumaturges excavated the portal facility, possibly in defiance of authority as it would become cause for war, and found the portal. They built up an expedition force (as evidenced by all the workshops building heavy barricades and machinery at the bottom of their facility, instead of, say, near the entrance!) and crossed the portal, and either occupied an existing fortress (lvl 4 and 5 (well, 6, but you all know the one I mean )), or excavated it themselves, it's unclear. Those people founded the spider-demon-thing worshiping cult, and found great powers that allowed them to shape the fancy materials found only in the Underworld. Some small bits of that power made it's way back into the overworld facility, like the lamps and healing salve. They dabbled in, and eventually mastered, some really dark stuff, like the soul magic powering the golems, but overall seemed to have their shit under control, and it seems the spider-demons were keeping the Guardian at bay.
They setup 2 locations (that we can visit as of now I mean) in the underworld, the archives, and the temple. The archive was used to transcribe and distribute both their weird religion and their new findings in Thaumaturgy. It appeared to have also been the seat of power of a council of 12 that ruled in the Underworld facilities. The temple (I call it that, but it's exact purpose is up for debate), seemed to have been a place where rituals, crafts, Thaumaturgy and martial arts all met under one roof. It appears to have fallen sometime before Sir busted the archives to a more mundane threat, infiltration agents form the overworld authority, or perhaps another faction within the Underworld denizens. Either way they clearly had spies among them and it fostered paranoia, leading people to the arenas to learn combat, which in turn seemed to offend the arena managers on idealogical grounds, which all suggests the fighting pits was just one aspect of their religion.
They were eventually betrayed by someone who slew their idols, and then things went to shit for them. Their temple was infiltrated by (presumably) the conservers, a group of unknown origin or affiliation, who slowly murdered them all in their sleep over a period of weeks until there were so few left they were able to finish the job in a proper attack. The archives near the portal was assaulted by Sir, sent by the now unrestricted Guardian to rid the Underworld of the human invaders. They retreated back to the portal facility, sealed the gates, and abandoned the place in a hurry.
Probably centuries later (long enough for even the booze to turn to dust!), a new group of Thaumaturges, descended from the Underworld expedition (is thaumaturgy hereditary?) and led by Thaven, sends one of their own to the portal facility to look into their past. These guys are all under the growing influence of the awakened Guardian, who's power extends right through the portal, and whom they worship like a life-giving god despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. The guy they send, who I'll just call 'the necromancer', rapidly stumbles on all sorts of new soul magic (well, really old, but new to him), and due to Thaven and the Guardian's influence, becomes consumed by his research. They get Hamon to send him people to experiment on, which he turns into zombies, probably in an attempt to fully restore their lives.
Clearly they are once more acting in defiance of authority, since said authority sends a proctor after the necromancer not long before the PC wakes up in the storeroom. It is unclear who the 'unknown' PC was sent to help, he was likely a pawn of Hamon's, but it's also possible he was sent to assist the Proctor. Either way, the necromancer kills her and raises her right before crossing the portal with zombie-papin. Once through the portal, he has his encounter with Sir, and retreats into the temple, where he gets into even more trouble with the golems. It seems during his entire time in the Underworld, he was still collecting information and performing research however he could, and reporting his findings back to Thaven, presumably through some magical mean or other. The whole time he's down there, he makes it clear the Guardian is messing with his mind and the only thing saving him is his magical spell-dampening helmet. Last we hear from him in the temple, he seems so traumatized by his discoveries he actually wants to stop Thaven, a conclusion he is probably only capable of reaching thanks to the helmet.
Here's the highly speculative part: the unknown PC is the only one who will have Thaumaturgic abilities according to the devs, and he's conveniently amnesiac. I suspect he's the necromancer. It goes like this: Something went super-wrong down in the Underworld and he tried to escape, but failed and ended up waking up in that storeroom with no recollection of what he's doing there. How does the letter fit in all this? Easy: It's what's left of your original orders from Thaven, and you're missing parts of it because you dragged that piece of parchment all over the Underworld! It's unlikely to be right, but it would be a great plot twist.
While I'm pretty confident in my interpretation, it remains just that: an interpretation. I can't wait for new story content, I really want to find out more, the story so far is REALLY cleverly told largely through the env, but it's also still pretty vague in some regards.