How to disable HUD?
How to disable HUD?
dpGIF from Steam
Wrong address - it's not mine GIF.dp
Controls and camera too hard, thumbs down.
I know.Wrong address - it's not mine GIF.
Undead are not so bad at solving puzzles, eh?
I have made some characters and never happened that to me. Its a place where you dont expect zombies.Today I was doing my septibillionth playthrough of Exanima story mode and as I was doing the puzzle area on lvl 1 look who came to see me. Gave me a bit of a scare. Looks like I forgot to close the gates behind me.
Not that bad, actually. You seem to be winning consistently Master level duels. The main thing I would criticise is that your style seems to be heavily reliant on constantly attacking your opponent to prevent them from countering. The thing is, as you have experienced yourself, it doesnt work as well against shield wielders. Learn to use different tactics: "feint, evade and counter" or flank your opponent and try landing hits on their arms and legs.Tell me how bad my fighting is.
I bet necromancers wear big robes just to cover up all the women lingerie and corsets they wear under it.Look at what I just noticed.
A superior leather vest, clearly designed for women, in a room that the "Necromancer" seems to have spent some time in.
Since it's in good condition and not stored away or anything, one could assume it's quite new. Is the necromancer perhaps a woman? (Assuming that the person in the room of level 4 isn't the necromancer, which I honestly thought he was, but I know other people don't think so).
We need lingerie to help us understand the story.I bet necromancers wear big robes just to cover up all the women lingerie and corsets they wear under it.